17 March
Insights By Ian Galley, Photos By Group
Huge turnout! It was great to see so many surgeons and their families attend. Okahu Bay looked stunning on a beautiful Autumn day of calm waters.
Despite a general lack of ability, there was only one capsize for the day over four races
Special thanks to Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei who were superb. They ran the event, supplied the Waka and were generous in sharing their expertise & skill.
Thanks also to Ben Willis and Orb Medical for sponsoring the event and donating to Wishbone
First up: dry lessons & briefing

Don't let the tutu's fool you - Waka Ama bought out everyone's competitive streaks
The Registrar team takes an unrostered swim
The racing was intense with Middlemore Hospital prevailing on the day.
They were greatly assisted by their paddler/coach Rob Orec who brought East German intensity, effort and training to the team. Auckland Hospital came in a close second and the Registrars third.
A great day of activity was followed by lunch and refreshments at the Royal Akarana Yacht Club.
It was awesome to see the connectivity of the Wishbone Relay continue with colleagues and families enjoying fun in the fresh air followed by shared kai. It was a fantastic finish to the 2024 Wishbone Relay & there's already talk in several centres about events they'd like to host in the next couple of years.
The Wishbone Relay ends, but a new energy to come together as an orthopaedic community remains.