‘Kōiwi’ is ‘human bone’ but can also be translated as ‘relatives – those you have whakapapa links to’. This rōpū can be reflected as those with whakapapa links to Sir Peter Tapsell - the world's first Māori Surgeon and Orthopaedic Surgeon
Our name, Ngā Rata Kōiwi is an appropriate way to link us Māori Trainees and Māori Orthopaedic Surgeons to the concept of whakapapa with Sir Peter as our originating tupuna
Ngā Rata Kōiwi - The Māori Orthopaedic Surgeons

Ngā Rata Kōiwi was formed in late 2019
We are a group of Māori orthopaedic surgeons and trainees committed to improving orthopaedic outcomes for all New Zealanders and in particular those who may have been excluded under the normal health model
We will do this by promoting awareness of Māori outcomes within orthopaedics and by highlighting the works of existing authors in related fields and undertaking new research
We look to expand and cement the relationships between the NZOA and Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa (Te Ora – The Māori Doctors Association), RACS Indigenous Health Committee, RACS Māori Health Advisory Group and other Māori health groups, so we can be at the forefront in the ever-expanding collection of data driven literature that will shape our knowledge of the best way to deliver healthcare to Māori in New Zealand

Rolling up our sleeves...
Ngā Rata Kōiwi will advise the NZOA of developments in the te hauora Māori (Māori health) sphere at a regional and national level and represent the NZOA within the hauora Māori world
Ngā Rata Kōiwi will provide tuākana / teina (mentoring) relationships for the growing number of Māori trainees and will assist them throughout the training programme to maintain the exemplary fellowship exam pass rates seen in New Zealand
1 March 2025: It was a pleasure working with LIONZ to celebrate the fellowship of the first two wāhine Māori orthopaedic surgeons, Ruth Tan & Teriana Maheno. CLICK HERE for the blog covering that event & korowai details
We will be a voice within orthopaedics promoting equity for Māori
Ngā Rata Kōiwi will engage rangatahi at a community level and promote orthopaedics or surgery as a potential career pathway