Hospital Accreditation for Training Sites
It is a requirement that all hospital training posts, including private hospitals, are accredited prior to the placement of a trainee who is on the NZOA Training Programme, this is to ensure the quality and consistency of training and education across New Zealand.
The NZOA will assess each training site on a range of criteria at least every 5 years to ensure that the training site is appropriately equipped to provide the trainees with the education and training opportunities that are in accordance with the NZOA curriculum.
The NZOA Speciality Orthopaedic Training Board (NZSOTB) reviews all material and the reports that are written following the Accreditation meeting at the next available meeting and determine the outcome.
For more information on accreditation of training positions, please contact the Education and Training Manager
Trainees may be placed in any one of our accredited training centres within New Zealand. The following New Zealand hospitals are currently accredited for SET Orthopaedic Surgery Training:

Whangarei |North Shore |Auckland City |Middlemore | Starship | Waikato | Tauranga | Rotorua | Hawkes Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial | Palmerston North | Taranaki Base | Whanganui | Wellington | Hutt Hospital | Nelson | Timaru | Christchurch | Dunedin | Southland