River Valley


24-26 February
Insights By Angus Wickham, Photos by Group & River Valley photographer

With some logistics magic aligning everyone's rosters, the Hawkes Bay orthopaedic department enjoyed a fantastic weekend away biking through mountainous gravel roads into the remote River Valley Lodge 
where we enjoyed amazing hospitality & organic homegrown produce. The Lodge is tucked at the base of the Ruahine Ranges and Mt. Aorangi and on the banks of the beautiful Rangitikei River.

Despite a few mechanical issues such as a blowen head gasket, sticky breaks and seized legs, we all managed to cycle to the lodge in time for a delicious home cooked meal and a few beers.  
The prospect of grade 5 rafting definitely raised some trepidation amongst us.



Still feeling comfortable at first, then it started to get wilder...


And this is what navigating grade 5 looks like!

 The skill and experience of the rafting guides well and truly making up for our inexperience.  

Sometimes a quick reset was needed...


And numbers on the rafts varied...

  - but we all managed to survive!

A special thanks to Ian Galley for helping arrange the unforgettable Relay and also attending the weekend as an honorary Magpie!


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