Escarpment Track & Pekapeka BBQ


Sunday 18 February
Photos By Group, Insights by Ian & Dulia

It's a little surprising that anyone had the energy after so much dancing at Takina... dedication!

It's an awesome walking track - although the stairs were tough of the quads of the mountain bikers.
Dulia put us to shame... leading the pack most of the way while carrying Ida.


There's over 500 steps & the heights won't be for everyone, but the nickname 'Stairway To Heaven' is fitting & the views of the Kāpiti Coast + Kāpiti Island from so high above make it well worth the sweat.


Dulia's take:
Well it started off with myself, Ben my husband and the two girls Harriet and Ida rushing around the house packing snacks and filling water bottles worrying we were terribly late, however the balls escapades had meant that for once I wasn't the last to arrive and even Ian arrived flustered and at least 20mins late.

Carrying Ida my 15 month old was hard work but I had lots of praise, encouragement and my own obstinance to keep me going. Ida was extremely well behaved, napped until a mix of bitter Wellington wind and my loud exuberant talking about food woke her but she quickly settled pointing and exclaiming at the beautiful ocean views.

The walk has three very steep climbs and my hip flexors are complaining about it today. 

We had a great lunch with beautiful food (I had two plates full) in Pekapeka at Hamish and Anna's.
Harriet and Ida particularly liked spotting rabbits, ducks and sheep.

The activities continued with a spot of archery bringing out the competitive streaks.
Roy would've definitely got the target on the first shot ...until Hamish told him to aim lower
and sure enough his arrow then pierced centimetres below the target.
Many shots were fired until Aaron finally hit the target.

It was an amazing day and I could barely move once getting home and ate about a week's worth of food that evening. Great company, beautiful scenery and I relish any moment I can manage some exercise, so thank you Wishbone crew  - very happy way to give to charity!

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